Monday, May 18, 2009


I think this movie must be named THE RAT instead of THE DEPARTED because the whole tale revolves round the life of two RATS one hired by the police BILLY CASTIGAN(LEONARDO DICAPRIO) to work under the Irish mobster FRANK COSTELLO( Jack Nicholson) to get the evidence of his crimes so that they can arrest him one other RAT COLIN(MATT DAMIN) raised and hired by frank in the police department to get the secret information. First Billy seemed suspected to Costello but gradually he gains his confidence and becomes a main member of his business and keeps providing information to the cops about his plans. on the other hand Colin was doing the same for what he was hired. In the whole tale Billy,s identity was only known to cops no one else. In the crime world of costello billy has to commit some barbaric crimes as costello ordered.

this film has won 4 oscars including the best picture.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Billy Costigan

Matt Damon

Jack Nicholson

Mark Wahlberg

Martin Sheen

Ray Winstone
Mr. French


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